
Saturday, November 13, 2010

William Scores His First, Long-Awaited Soccer Trophy

Since William was 3, he has begged for his brother to give him one of
his dozen, prized soccer trophies. We, of course, have told William
when he plays soccer when he's older, he'll earn his own soccer trophy.
He just had to be patient. Today was the day he earned his first trophy!
Dear Coaches Stephen and Brian:

Thank you so much for being great coaches. It’s been such a positive start to William’s soccer “career.” Not every volunteer coach gets the right mix of skill-building, fun and positive reinforcement, but you both got it right all season.

So you know just what a wonderful milestone this soccer season has been for our family …

Letting William run free and wild on the field, and letting him decide when he needs to take a break, has been a huge step for us. William was born with a heart defect. When he was 2 years old, his heart was repaired through open-heart surgery at Shands Children's Hospital.

William has always had the all-clear to play whatever sports he likes, but as worried parents who weren't sure what a "heart kid" could do, we bite our nails – and have had to learn to bite our tongues – when William plays sports. We have to remind ourselves that he really is just a regular kid.

Watching William in his first practice and in his first game were sweet, sweet milestones. Because there were times, when William was a baby, that we weren’t sure he would make it at all, never mind be able to run around on a soccer field, passing the ball to his teammates and scoring goals. I've never seen a kid smile so much running up and down a soccer field. William has had a blast, and Joaquin, Martin and I have totally enjoyed watching him play.

Thank you both for helping make William’s first soccer season such a memorable one. We are very grateful.

Karen, Joaquin and Martin


  1. Congrats, William! The look on his face is priceless. :)

  2. He was so happy about getting that trophy! He came home and went straight to his room to figure out where it should go!

